Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Getting ready for a new year

With a new year coming up, I'm thinking it's time for a new perspective and to try some new habits on for size. I read an article from Writer's Digest by Áine Greaney called Reboot Your Writing Routine which got the gears working a little (here's the link to purchase a pdf of the issue, sorry, doesn't look like they put it online).
She has a list of recommendations to change things up for the new year. I think this type of article comes out every year in every writing magazine but it just happened to catch me in the right spot. Among her recommendations:
Create an artist's statement. Just something to keep you on track when you get in the weeds. Here's mine for the coming year:

    • In the coming year I want to learn the discipline and the courage that it takes to successfully complete my writing projects. Writing will serve me as both the vehicle and the road for changing my life.

Workshops and other 'extracurriculars' were also big on her list. I've always shied away from this sort of thing for some reason. Maybe it's just my inherent anti-social nature. But, if you want change in your life you have to push yourself outside of your normal boundaries. So the first class/workshop I'm looking at is offered by Ed2Go, an online continuing education program offered in concert with local schools and universities. For $94 they offer six weeks (12 courses) of instruction, assignments and critique.
Creating a support network is another piece of the puzzle that I'm still trying to put together. This one includes having writing buddies, which I'm working on, but also goes well beyond. Basically, the idea is to recruit friends or family to pick up some tasks that you would normally do to get some more writing time and you return a favor for them.
Another recommendation I'm taking into consideration is using my Google calendar to schedule things in. Not just workshop reminders but due dates for when I'd like a first draft of something done, when I'd like to schedule some time to work on a short story, etc. Some people's creativity thrives under these sort of deadlines, other's just withers and dies. I'd like to challenge myself to see how successful I can be with some deadlines in front of me.
Finally, another habit that I've already adapted is bringing my story notebook to work every day. When I take a break, I'll try to write at least one sentence to keep the story moving forward and to keep my brain actively engaged.
Good luck everyone, what are your writing goals for the new year?


  1. I think one of my goals this year is to love and appreciate the writing that happens spontaneously; when I hear the muse speak, whether through myself or others. I'm not giving up on conventional short stories, a novel, or a screenplay, but the writing that already happens is pretty cool sometimes. So my goal is to love what I've already been given.

  2. Hi Nathan,
    Aine Greaney here, and I'm very pleased that you gleaned some inspiration from the article at Writers Digest. Sounds like you're on a good track already. Heavens knows we need it after the Holiday hiatus. You might also enjoy the companion blog, http://www.writerwithadayjob.com.

  3. Hey Aine! Thanks for stopping by and thanks again for the inspiration in WD. I'm actually one step ahead of you and have read several posts on your blog :). Hope you have a great holiday and best for the new year!
